Première asiatique pour « Criatura »!

Film Criatura

Le 26º Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN) aura lieu du 7 au 17 juillet 2022.

Criatura fera partie de la sélection intitulée XL

2077/8  11:00 – 12:39CGV Sopung 815
7367/13  20:00 – 21:39CGV Sopung 815GV

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

In the depths of her mind, pain takes the form of a creature. A love relationship unleashes the darkness within and conjures it into the real world, a world of shadows. Experimental attempts through the dreamy atmosphere, such as scenes appearing in infinitely repeated and entangled frames, stand out.

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